P-Day update week 92 y 93, 11/27/2023
-Gira misional (mejoró cada vez, viajar con Elder Montoya, conocí el norte, aprendí muchas cosas) Buenas tardes a todos!! Hello! I hope everyone has had a great week! I wasn't able to send an email out last week, I lost my 91 weeks streak, but here I am again with a summary from the last two (very full) weeks! Our gifts for Mari So to start our our week last week we had our weekly office meeting on Monday. We try to make the meeting simple and efficient so we can all talk about our different assignments and how we can coordinate ourselves that week to complete our duties! When I was in the offices last year, the meetings were very simple and they were very reverent, focused on results and helping President. But throughout the course of the last year or so some things have changed and a lot of that office etiquette has been lost, and my companion and I saw a great need to talk with them and have an "office training". We ran our ideas by President and he gave us the green l...