P-Day update week 91, 11/13/2023

Hola hola!!

Once again I find myself cut for time so let's jump right into this!

-We said goodbye to the missionaries in their last transfer, it was very sad! Especially saying goodbye to our companion Elder Buer :/ 
-The same day that we left the Champions at the airport we picked up 22 new missionaries!
-We picked up the missionaries a very different times, one at 10:00, six at 13:50, two at 19:46, and thirteen at 22:11! 
-The last group was the hardest because from the airport to Xalapa its about two hours so we got there at 00:30 and had to unpack their stuff and get home which after it was all said and done we got to bed at around 01:30!
-We now have another companionship of Sisters here in the area so there can be missionaries when we're not here, they're working super hard and it's awesome to see the success they've been having in just that past couple days! They're called Hermana Solano who is training Hermana Twitchell!
-Honestly we didn't have time to work in our area traditionally this week, we were so busy doing other stuff but even so I'm glad everything worked out fine and we were still able to have a friend at church!!

I love you all so much! I hope you have a week full of miracles and blessings!
See you soon!!

-Elder Garnica

This fencing school we found called Camelot that looks like a castle

Saying goodbye to the Champions in the airport!

Champions dinner in Italiani's

Saying hello to the new missionaries in the orientation!!

MLC foto posing as "El Mas Perron" a missionary who was once in our mission!

Mama cat, baby cats


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