P-Day update week 90, 11/06/2023

Buenas tardes a todos!!

I'm running low on time today so I'm going to have to put just some quick bullet points!

The two misioneros I trained and Elder Prescott, one of my "grandsons" in the mission

-We did Audits during all the Interviews in the zones of Xalapa and Macuilteptl. It took the whole day one Zone so we spent a lot of time at President's house this week!

-We had our Zone Conference! It's weird because we already know and have seen what President and Hermana Villanueva talk about and of course what we talk about but we had some really good classes from the Zone Leaders and the Sister Training Leaders! Also one of my old companions Elder Galvez sang an awesome special musical number with another sister in his Zone, they sang Savior Redeemer of My Soul in Spanish and English!

-We received a lot of references from social media and other people this week and we found some new people!! I'll mention briefly Genina and Fabby. They are two women that live in our area and are friends of a member in the other stake. He sent us their numbers a few days ago and we quickly got into contact with them to set up a meeting. We set it up for Sunday and ended up having a great lesson! They have been through some hard trials but they are ready to receive the Restored Gospel!

Elder Buer and I at Zone Conference, Adios vaquero :(

Breakfast at IHOP!

We bought matching Lakers jerseys because our area is called "Los Lagos" (The Lakes)

My companions and I dressed up as President VIllanueva for Halloween! He got a good kick out of this!!

-We had a lot of work to do in the offices this week, I say offices but we have a laptop that we just bring with us to President's house or we use here in the house to do our stuff. But we're getting everything ready for the transfers and for the Champions that are coming in. It's mentally very tiring but I'm getting accustomed!

-Today we went and visited a lot of Converts and Member friends of Elder Buer so he could say goodbye to them thanks to the fact that he is going home this week! We ate approximately 4 times!!

1. iHop breakfast as a reward for working out everyday for a month 11:00am
2. Bishop in his old ward 2:00pm
3. Converts from his old ward 3:00pm
4. Dinner with family in the ward 8:30pm

We came back to the house full of food about ready to burst! But that's just how it goes here sometimes!!

a cat

That's it for the highlights this week. It's been a busy week but we didn't have a lot of time to do much normal missionary work. I'm still getting adjusted but it's been fun to learn so many new things! Don't ever stop learning friends, it's one of the biggest reasons we are here, to learn new things and grow. Keep pushing yourselves to try new things and that is for everyone. Even if you're 18 or 118 keep learning and growing everyday!!
I love you all so much! Have a great week y'all!

-Elder Garnica


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