P-Day update week 100 y 101, 22/01/2024

Hola muy buenos días a todos!!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week!! It's been crazy over here and I don't have a lot of time but let me throw in some quick bullet points to talk about our week!

-Zone Conferences in Martinez Teziutlan and in the North! We did Division with the Zone Leaders and got to know them more and hopefully help a little bit with the problems in their zones!
-It's been brutally cold this past week! And we had no idea it was going to be so cold so we didn't bring even a sweater with us on the conference tours. But when we were in Papantla we were able to find some jackets in a little thrift store by the church!
-While we were traveling we went to the meeting of "Mission Emphasis" which I'm not sure if it exists back home but it's a devotional with the stake presidency, mission President, and missionaries for the future missionaries to help them have the desires to serve a mission! They're really cool, and we had the chance to go to all of them, except, funny enough, our own here in Xalapa!
-We also accompanied President to the bi-annual coordination meeting with all the stake Presidents in the mission, the area auditor, mission President, and the area Seventy! We didn't actually take part in the meeting but we did get to be in the sacrament meeting with all these powerful men!!
-The conferences themselves have been awesome! We're sharing about finding, converting, and baptizing! Helping the missionaries stay focused on their purpose. But Hermana Villanueva didn't come with us because she had to stay home with Mary to help her with some things. It was weird not traveling with her but at least she'll be here in Xalapa!!
-Our friends Brenda and Juan were baptized! They are awesome and I'm so happy they were able to make this covenant with the Lord! I'll drop some pics so you can see!!
-The ward has been helping us out so much to strengthen our friend sin teaching which has made it possible to teach and minister while we've been away!

That's it for this week! I apologize for the length, I honestly forgot about it and I had to do it last minute. But don't ever forget your purpose my friends. We are here for a reason, and everything we do helps us get closer or pulls us farther away from completing that purpose. Don't ever forget who you are or why you are here, that is the gas that keeps us going while we're here!! 

I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week!!

-Elder Garnica 

Juan after his baptism

Brenda's baptism

Mission Emphasis in Tuxpan

We visited a family "Garnica" in Poza Rica!

"Giving up is Prohibited!"

We found a hedgehog in some random marketplace!

Cool street cat!


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