P-Day update week 96 y 97, 12/25/2023

Feliz Navidad y Prospero año a todos!!

It's been a really good couple weeks over here in the MMX! There has been a lot of change, and I'm short on time but let me jump into it!!

First we had transfers last week, our companion Elder Moreno finished his mission. It was sad to see him go, but I know he has so many plans and things he wants to accomplish when he gets home and I hope he can!! And with the transfers we received the new missionaries and had their orientation! That part was very strange because there were two missionaries that didn't arrive with everyone else. One missionary lost his flight in Mexico City and didn't get in until 12:30am! And the other got in one day early and had to stay with the mission President in Veracruz until the next day we could go pick him up! Besides that everything went well, it's a grat group of young men and women and I'm so excited to see them work hard and grow as they start their missions! Also, we've been enjoying our new (my old) area of Alborada!

We've been working hard this week and ratifying about the birth of Jesus Christ to all who will listen to us. We've been singing Christmas Carols, showing videos and really doing all we can to help those around us learn about Jesus Christ and his birth! It's been a great time for Elder Morales and I, we have found some truly elect people and had the chance to have a lot of interaction with the members! This area is just as fruitful as it was last year when I was here and it's gotten even stronger with the support of the ward! I'm so happy to be here and have the chance to finish my mission in one of, if not my favorite areas!!

Honestly not too much interesting had happened besides preaching the good word, but I'm happy. I'm glad to serve the Lord and be one of his representatives. This coming email I will explain a bit more about our friends in teaching and tell some of the miracles we've seen with them, but for now Zion prospers! It hasn't been easy with the cold, but we've been adapting and keeping warm with the flame of our testimonies haha (and hot chocolate)!

I love you all so much, I wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!! Never forget the reason of the season, it is him, Christ Jesus.

-Elder Garnica

Tacos Don Gus, oh how I've missed you!

Selfie in the new missionary orientation

District Christmas party with lunch at a member's house (where I actually ate last 25th December!)

Zacapoaxtla Waterfalls!


One of President's cats!!


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