P-Day update week 87, 16/10/2023

Hola hola! Espero que todos estén muy bien!!

Well this week has been absolutely nuts! I won't talk a lot about our friends in teaching because
 1. We've decided to clean out the list and stop teaching the majority of our friends because they aren't progressing. 2. I won't be teaching anyone in Americas anymore because of special transfers (I'll talk about that a little bit later!)
But its been a good week, a lot of stuff to do! And I don't have too much time so I'll keep it concise!

Elder Moreno Elder Buer and I with birds

I do however want to talk about a cool Family Home Evening we had with a sister in our ward! This sister's name is Charity and she is an absolute reference monster! Very commonly she gives references to the missionaries, and she set up this family home evening so we could meet a few of her neighbors! It was awesome!! We stared off getting to know each other and from there we watched a Book of Mormon video! We watched 3 Nephi 17! If you haven't watched the 3 Nephi 17 video yet I highly recommend it, it's so good! It demonstrates when Christ healed all the sick and afflicted, how he blessed the children, His prayer to the Father, and when the Angels ministered to the people! The spirit is so sweet with that video, and our friends that came felt it as well! We had a great conversation and we're able to set return lessons with them!! And we also ate some great pambasos!!

This last week we also had the opportunity to go back to my old area in Martinez to talk with the District Leaders, and be able to do the baptism for Jaret!! He is one of the friends I taught in Independencia and he asked me to do his baptism for him! It was super interesting to go back to Martinez! After just a few weeks in Xalapa I still saw a big difference in Xalapa in MTZ jaja! It's not exactly the most beautiful place on earth! But we were able to be there and help Jaret on his special day! Everything turned out great and we were able to eat with one of the members I got to know there! And since we couldn't find a bus ticket that same Saturday we had to wait until the next day to travel so we were able to go to church and be there for the confirmation! And also have the change to say hi to the members again!

Post baptism taco dinner!

Elder Moreno Elder Buer and I with swords

Goodbye to the trio

Cool sign we found

Sneek petting cat from behind

So there has been a little change in my transfers! When we got back from Martinez at 6:00pm we went and ate with a family because we hadn't eaten the whole day! After eating we got home and we got a call from President! He called us to tell me that I was going to the offices, I'm going to be the new Assistant to President (AP). It caught me off guard to be sure, were halfway through the transfer and we were getting our rhythm but that's fine! It'll be something very new and exciting! So that also means that I had to pack my stuff up quickly for the next day! This morning we got up and dropped my bags off with my new companions in my new house! Then we went to eat and took care of some aux stuff! I had my first office meeting in almost 10 months. My second time in the offices, its good to he back haha!! 

Well that's it for now! God loves you all! And so do I!! Keep praying and keep studying! I'll see y'all soon!

-Elder Garnica


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