P-Day update week 84, 25/09/2023

Hola hola!!

This week went by very fast! I don't have a lot of time to write a nice full email but I'll drop in some bullet points so you can see what I was up to this week!

My companion and me making peanut butter cookies!!

-we've been having a lot of really great lessons! Our friends are progressing very well and we plan on having 2 baptisms this 8th of October!!

-I went on divisiones 2 times this week because President has asked us to go with all the junior companions in the Zone to prepare them to train new missionaries these next coming transfer! 

-The first one was here in my area with an Elder named Elder Hansen! He's from the Utah Valley! I actually received him his first day in the mission when I was in the offices and now he has a tear in the mission! That's crazy! I had the chance to share some of the things I've learned on my mission that helped me have success and he shared with me the importance of being oneself!!

-The other division was in Martinez with an Elder named Elder Monzón. He's from a town in Argentina called Concordia! He's in his second transfer and is an absolute beast! He is very humble and ready to learn, he's building really strong bases to be an even more excellent missionary! He also has a very cool Argentina accent!!

-This is the last week of the transfer, actually we get transfer news tomorrow night letting us know what's going to happen! In my interview with President a few weeks ago he told me he was going to transfer me so I've been reflecting a lot on my time her in Independencia. The last 6 months have been glorious! I've been so joyful in this part of the Lord's Vineyard, he truly has blessed me beyond measure! I'm nervous and sad to leave but I'm excited to see what these last 3 transfers of my mission have in-store for me!!

Little tie swap with this cool dude on divisions!

"Always by your ice cream" (I know it doesn't make sense in English ha ha!!)

This cool little gun we found at a member's house!

I'm on the last row, time flies!!

That's about it! The work keeps kicking and we are having fun being a part of it! My testimony to you all is that there is no greater joy in this life than serving your fellow man, it truly us the most worthwhile effort one can make in this life. As Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said:
"As we lose ourselves in the service of others, we discover our own lives and our own happiness" (Happiness, your heritage. Oct. 2008)
I am a firm believer in that. Go out and do something good for someone this week, each day. And reflect on that as you take the sacrament this Sunday, I promise you that you will feel more abundant peace and joy in your life.

I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week! Don't stop praying friends, it's good for the soul! See ya!

-Elder Garnica


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