P-Day update week 81, 04/09/2023

 Muy buenas tardes familia y amigos! Espero que se encuentren bien!!

This has been such a great week!! My companion and I have been working really hard and have seen some great miracles!! 

Cool decorations they put up in the Martinez Centro!

Cool decorations

I've passed my first month of the last quarter of my mission and I've found myself reflecting often on how I plan on finishing my mission. I've seen many missionaries finish off their missions in a less active manner. And I've decided that these last 5 months I'm going to work harder than I ever have before, finish my mission off with a bang and help as many people as I can learn about their Heavenly Father! I'm determined to not loose my spark but rather turn that spark into a blazing fire!! We started off that drive with a good note this week, we were able to have a lot of success and were able to find a lot of new friends!! Really truly the secret to working in the service of God is work. Whether you are a full time missionary or a primary teacher or a nursery leader. The more we strive to give our heart might mind and strength to the Lord and his work, the more success we will see and the more we will feel accomplished and content!!

Honestly this week was just grinding, we saw a lot of success and it's really going to be an exciting couple of weeks! Allow me to share a few experiences from these past couple days:

These tacos defintely did not make us all very sick...hehe...

Clean suit happy life

So I have talked before about our friend James. James is awesome! But these past couple weeks it's been hard to have a lesson with him for one reason or another, and we've been constantly trying to talk with him and see how he is doing! On one occasion when we passed by his house to say hi we were greeted by his mother who told us that James wasn't home, so we were talking a bit with her when her other son comes up to us and asks us if we're missionaries. We told him that we are I'm fact missionaries, he then told us that he would love if we shared something with him and his dad! Obviously we accepted and sat down with them for a bit to share the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we began to speak our new friends (we'll call them Gary and Sean) asked us a lot of really cool questions that showed they were putting attention! We began to talk and Gary explained to us how he has been feeling like his mind has been clouded and he hasn't been able to find peace, but as we talked with him he felt that tranquility that he has been needing! He even asked us "so what do I need to do to join the church?" Which took us a little a back but we explained about the testimony and receiving your own. We finished off with the invitation to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it! I'm glad we were able to help Gary and his dad Sean during this time of trial!! The Lord placed us there to send peace and happiness, he is so aware of us all!!

Mr. Bendy the cat on his green throne

Little cat, big eyes

Another quick experience from this week was when we went to go visit the house of an inactive member we met a few weeks ago. We were close to his house and decided to stop by and see how he was doing, and in that we saw that he was shoveling sand into the house he is building there on his property. Like I mentioned before we are always looking for opportunities to serve so we took the chance and grabbed some shovels to help him out. As we were finishing up we asked when we could stop by again and visit, he said that Saturday is the best day for him. So Saturday night we showed up to his house and had the opportunity to share with him the power of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! And not only with him but also with his young daughter who isn't a member of the Crunch, we'll call her Destiny. As we shared our message we once again saw them open up their hearts and willing receive what the Lord was trying to teach them! It's still very early for them but I see them with a lot of potential!!

Alright folks that's about all the time I have for right now, I hope you know that the Lord can and will guide your paths if you let him and just start walking! He wants you to be happy, he is your Father!

I love you all so much and I hope you have a wonderful week!!

-Elder Garnica


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