Muy buenos dias! La verdad ha sido una semana de gran éxito aquí en Independencia, nos está yendo bastante bien! Espero que sea así en estas semanas que vienen!
Hello!! Like I said it's been a great week! I don't have a lot of time to write an email but I'll put some bullet points and this coming week I'll shoot out a good one!
︎ Transfer news! I'm staying here for my fourth transfer with a new companion named Elder Mendoza! He has 10 months in the mission and is from Hidalgo! We get a long super well!!
︎ We put two baptismal dates with some really awesome friends! One is a little girl names Laney who is the daughter of an inactive member! Our other friend is Andrew who is someone that was referred to us by a recent comvert! Their dates are for the 10th and the 3rd, respectively, please pray thar everything can go well these coming weeks so they can make this covenant with or Heavenly Father!
︎ The work has been good! We've been meeting new people, talking with people in the street and working hard! I'm feeling a little tired these days but I'm still giving it all I've got to work hard and serve the Lord! (I'm taking my multi vitamins to give me more energy haha!)
︎ My district is awesome! We have a new district leader who was with me during all my time in Xalapa and my second time in Teziutlan, Elder Arredondo!! He's awesome and I'm happy to be in his district during his last transfer!
︎ We have MLC! Im excited to hear guidance from President!
That's all the important stuff! I hope yall have a wonderful week, I love you all so much!! See you soon!
-Elder Garnica
First day in the area milkshake with my companion! |
My companion and I next to the Filabobos! |
The district Big power! |
Saying goodbye to Elder Beltran. |
Pizza! |
Many cats!! |
Chicken with a clean haircut! |
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