P-Day update week 75, 07/24/2023

Buenos días a todos!!

Well not a lot happened this week that was very memorable! We've been working to find new people and we've been helping a few of our friends get ready for baptism!!

New PMGs shrunk down into books!

I'll shoot in some bullet points of the highlights since there isn't too much to mention this week!

-Started off the week with a meeting with the stake presidency where we talked about the missionaries and the stake! We're excited to get some more things rolling as we work together!

-It's been a little hard when it comes to the ward. Everyone is great but everyone is leaving, we found out that almost ten members of the ward are moving away in these next couple weeks which is super sad! But it just means we have to work harder to fill the roles in the ward with new people!!

The spirit? The force? Who knows.

Cool sunset

-it's been raining a lot and I find myself with a small cold so please pray I can have a quick recovery and be back to normal soon!

-We put two new baptismal dates with our friends Derrick and Margaret! They come from a family where the majority are members! We hope to help them be baptized in August, and they went to church yesterday which was awesome!

-Our friend Eddy who is the member of an inactive family but still hasn't been baptized has been progressing very well!! He's been praying and reading The Book of Mormon! The next step is to get him to church, please pray for him that he might have the strength and courage to attend church this coming Sunday!

Little burger and wings place we found that wasn't actually that good haha!!

Encarcelated cat

Well thats about it! It's been raining a lot here so the heat hasn't been too I tense and we've just been working to find new people!

My quick spiritual thought is just a reminder to put your whole trust in the Lord. He knows so much better than we do. If we trust in him and give him all of our worries and anxieties he will take them and help us feel free! He is the master here and will come to help lighten our load if we give it to him!

I love you all so much! I'm sorry this is a shorter letter but I hope you all have a great week and can find happiness in doing good during these next few days!!

-Elder Garnica


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