P-Day update week 69, 12/06/2023

¡¡Muy buenos días!!

This week flew by like a blur, not really sure what happens but I'll put down what I got!!!

Us with Elder Buer!

This week we started off pretty hot! We put a few baptismal dates and had a few visits with some missionaries in the Zone who were struggling and lent them a hand and let them know that we love! We also got some help from President Day, we had our interviews! They were probably the best interviews I've ever had!! It was our last Interview/Conference with President and Hermana Day, and they were great!! President gave me some great advice, and I just want you all to know that you are enough! We're not perfect, but we're enough for right now! President and Hermana Day are awesome and are going to be missed in my interviews!!

The day of the interviews we had the chance to go on Divisiones with one of the Assistants, Elder Buer! Elder Buer was actually here in Independencia about a year and a half ago, so he was pretty excited to be back where he started his mission! We actually visited two people that he taught when he was here, it was cool to reunite and it actually helped us get to know some new people! It was cool to learn more from him, just to focus on what our message is, the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! That is our focus, that us the difference between us and everyone else. It is the key to helping others understand us, and understand why we do the things we do!

The best tacos al pastor I've ever had!

More tacos!

My buddy Elder Amador!!

A bunch of little cats in this yard

Little street cat!

Two days after our interviews and our divisiones we traveled over to Teziutlan for our Zone Conference! It was a good ride, and no one stayed the night with us so we had time to get ready and eat breakfast haha!! Once we arrived I helped with conducting the meeting! They told me a few days before that I would be conducting the meeting, and I'm not gonna lie I was super nervous about conducting! I spent those days prior watching the first presidency conducting General Conference and reading the General Manual! So once we got to the conference I was feeling pretty ready to go! It was so much fun!! It was cool to sit right next to President and hear his comments throughout the Conference, he is a very funny man!! The conference itself talked about The Book of Mormon, the importance of braking down scriptures when we study, and how to contact with the Book of Mormon! It was an awesome conference and I got to say goodbye to a lot of friends from my mission!!

It was a great week! I didn't have a lot of time to write this week but we saw some great miracles! This coming Saturday we'll have a baptismal service for our friend Isaac! I'll tell yall all about next week!!

I love you all! Have a great week!!

-Elder Garnica


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