P-Day update week 61, 04/17/2023

Hola Hola!!

It's been a pretty good week! It's gone by really fast! I don't have a lot of time since we're going right now to mission leadership council (MLC)!

Garnica Perez combo

Shoe shopping!!

So in these transfers they finally sent me to the heat! I'm in a zone called Martinez de la torre, in the area Independencia! It's super humid here, reminds me of home haha! In this transfer I got a new assignment, I'm a Zone Leader now. It's still super new and I don't really know what I'm doing haha, next week I'll be able to give more information! But for now I know that we have MLC every month, and afterwards we have a zone council where we share what we learned to our zone so they can stay informed with the new guidance from President! We'll see how ZL treats me!

Headlamp I found to read at night!!

My new Companion is called Elder Pérez, he's from Queretaro, which is a state right above the state of Mexico in the center of the country! This is only his 2nd transfer as ZL so we're kind of learning together. I have a little more time in the mission than him, just one transfer, but it's been really fun! The area is really cool, there is a lot of potential, we just have to find them haha! It's been too long since I've had to hit the streets all day and just find people, but it'll be a good time! The only problem was that when I got here, the house was absolutely filthy! The house was a train wreck, so we head to dedicate a couple hours the first days to get it into shape! It was cool because after we cleaned the house we went out and found a lot of new people, miracles come from doing the small things!!

That's all I have time for this week, the last two weeks have been kinda weird when it comes to our pday time, but I'll make sure to find time this next week to wrote a good email!!

Fat pug. .5 seconds before he bit my face ha ha!

Little orange cat!

Just a quick thought, The Lord prepares those he calls! If there is something the Lord has asked you to do, you can do it!

I Love you all, I hope you have a fantastic week!

-Elder Garnica


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