P-Day update week 60, 04/10/2023


I don't have anytime today so I'll write very quickly!!

Transfers came in, I'm going to q zone called Mqrtinez de la Torre, very hot! It remind me of New Orleans, really cool!! My companion is called Elder Pérez, he's from Queretaro, he's super cool!! I'm gonna miss San Juan a lot, but I'm leaving it in good hands! Nunez is staying with Elder Parker my old companion, so they'll treat it well!

We finally moved! The saga ends with a new house!!! Very nice!!

Two baptisms on Sunday!!! It was absolutely incredible!! I'm so excited I got to see them (Jesus and Denisse) make this covenant with our Father in Heaven!

I'm sorry this is such a short one, I'll make sure to be back on schedule this next Monday!!!

I love you all, I hope you have a great week!!

-Elder Garnica

Starbucks San Juan

Baptism of Jesus and Denisse!

Cool decorations for Easter!

Post house cleaning soda break!

Killer cat


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