P-Day update week 54, 02/27/2023

 ¡¡Bueno entonces!!

New transfer, new me! Finished off week 6 strong, it was a grind but we saw some miracles this past week!! I'm short on time again this week because we're in Xalapa, but I'll put in all the good stuff!!

A picture of me with a cow

So like I mentioned, right now we're in Xalapa, but we were also here last week! We were notified that I had to come down to renew my green card now that I've hit a year on the mission! So Tuesday morning we grabbed a bus down here and visited a family that I got to know really well in Alborada! The next day we went to immigration, but they told us that they couldn't finish the process, and we would have to come back again! So we drove down here on a bus last night and slept with the missionaries in Alborada! We were able to make it to immigrations and get everything sorted out! I'm still legal here, yay!!! I'm glad I'm not gonna have to c0me back and lose more working days, but it was nice to see Xalapa again, and do some anniversary gift shopping for myself (fotos will be included)!

Painting service project!

This week we had a miracle! We've been working hard like normal, and usually we feel like it's us, the missionaries vs the ward! But here in San Juan the ward has been a big support! In fact there is an hermana that has brought her niece to church the past three Sundays! And we finally had the chance to talk with her this past week! She is super prepared!!! Her name is Laura, and she was going to church a while ago, but stopped going out of the blue! She told us that a few weeks ago she had the strong desire to go back! When we met with her she talked about how peaceful she feels at church and how she feels like she belongs there! That day we put a baptismal date with her for this next Sunday! She is so excited, and we're excited to help her! All we have to do is teach her the lessons this week and she is ready! It's amazing seeing people so prepared just drop out of the blue, it shows how much the Lord is really hastening his work here in San Juan, and I feel so honored to be able to see it for myself!!

Arabian tacos!

We had a great conversation!

I'll be honest, this week had a lot of bumps! To start off the week we lost two days of work when we traveled to Xalapa and back, and from there we had a lot of our lessons fall through. But in the midst of that, we've been able to see great progress! We've been able to set up a lot of lessons for this week and have gotten into contact with a lot of people that we've been struggling to speak with! I cant stress enough how much I've learned about hard work these past couple months, it really is the key to this great work! But as I said it's been a hard week and we've had to reevaluate the progression of some of our friends, and unfortunately we've had to let a few of them go, it's part of the plan! Everyone has their time!!

The last exciting thing that happened this week was that we received the transfers! Nothing changed here in San Juan, thank goodness! The Zone is also a little different, we have two new ZLs! One of them is an elder that was with me in Xalapa, Elder Moreno!! I'm super excited! And now in the District there are two sisters! This zone really needed some feminine influence, we were really going nuts over here haha!!

Blue eyed cat

That's if for this week! I just wanted to add my testimony and reaffirm what many have said before. Christ lives! He is our Savior and redeemer, and the only way to make it to the presence of the Father is through him!!

I love you all! Have a great week!!

-Elder Garnica


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