P-Day update week 44, 12/19/2022

 ¡Hola a todos!

I'm super short on time this week, so I'll try and be super duper quick!

This week we had our first District council of the transfer, it was super good!! The companionship of Sisters in my district asked me if they could kinda take control for the day and it turned out amazing! They taught us about how to become more like Christ through trying to develop his attributes! They focused on this theme as they had us break a piñata that had little pieces of paper in them with a Christlike attribute that we had to define for the district, and explain how it can help those around us! It was super great and helped me a lot understand the importance of trying to become the most like Christ as I can!!

District council piñata!!

"Come Follow Me"

This week I did two divisions! Usually I only go on divisiones one time a week, but I did divisions with a companionship in the district and also the Zone Leaders! I'll be honest, usually I see great miracles on divisiones, but these two divisions were really rough! Both days that we had divisiones all our appointments fell through, so we just had to go and try to visit our friends, and no one opened up to us! We spent most of that time just walking around and visiting, we did a LOT of walking those two days, and I finished each just being so tired. But I have found to really like those types of days, if just for the fact that I feel at the end that I gave it my all! The days where all our lessons go through and we don't really have to fight for it are still great, even better most of the time! But there isn't anything like hitting the streets and coming home beaten up after trying your best and using all the energy you had! And that's what those two division days were like!

Pyramid we found on our hike this morning!

La carnita asada!

Due to my lack of time I am going to finish this letter off with bullet points!

-Service activity for brother in our ward who is from Colorado, carne asada after!

-Secret Santa gift exchange will take place this coming Saturday so we bought all our gifts and got them all wrapped up! It was nice to wrap some presents again!

-Really good meeting with our Facebook trainer! We learned a lot of new things we can do to make our ads better and more engaging! Get ready for January!

-Found a new friend named Gina who is really ready to hear the gospel!

-Our couple that needs to get married is finally almost done getting their papers together, hopefully they can be married and baptized in these coming weeks!

First wrapping session of the season!

Skinny little cat!

I'm sorry that's all I have for this week! It was a pretty normal week but I definitely had the chance to change! I have been studying a lot about humility this week, and as I've tried to apply it to my life, I can honestly see a great difference. Not just a difference in my thoughts, but a difference in the spirit I feel, I feel closer to God! It honestly feels like I have seen a great change in my heart and in my actions! This week I invite you ALL to strive for humility in all you do! We as humans can be very prideful, and sometimes we don't even realize that that's the problem in our lives! If you feel like you have pride, or are prideful, and that it is driving away from feeling the spirit of God, I invite you to repent and become better through the great and infinite atonement of Jesus Christ! He can and will make you better, but you have to take the first step! I love you all and I hope you have a great week!

-Elder Garnica


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