P-Day update week 41, 11/28/2022

¡Hola a todos!!

This has been a really good week for us here in Alborada, and we tried to enjoy it the most we could! I once again am found with very little time so I will keep it to the important bits!

Making mashed potatoes with a Mickey apron!

One of the most exciting parts of this week was Thursday! As you all know, Thursday was thanksgiving! I didn't really think anything was going to happen for us on thanksgiving since it isn't really celebrated here! But on Monday after our weekly devotional we received an invitation from the bishop's wife to go and eat thanksgiving dinner with them and the senior couple here in the mission! As the week built up we continued to become more and more excited for the big day, she asked us the important things that needed to be brought, and trying to keep in mind the country we lived in, we told her that turkey and mashed potatoes are the important parts! The day of, we arrived at 4:30 and talked a bit with the bishop and when his wife got home we got to work! She put Elder Gálvez and I to make the mashed potatoes! It wasn't really what I signed up for, but I am always up for a challenge, And after 20 minutes of brutally working at the potatoes they started to fall into shape! They aren't exactly like the mashed potatoes I have at home, but they were as close as two young missionaries could get them! And eventually everything started falling into place, the turkey arrived, the pie arrived, the salad! But most importantly...The Martinelli's!!! When I saw that glorious glass bottle sitting on the table I knew that we were in for a great night! And it really was! When Elder and Hermana arrived we got started! Elder Day shared the history of thanksgiving, and we all went around the table and said something we were grateful for from this year. Then we began to eat and just talk, it was honestly just like home! I felt loved and I felt thankful, and I of course felt very full after the meal! We also received a lot of leftovers for the following couple days! It really was a special Mexican Thanksgiving!!



The following day was also a very eventful one. During the dinner, the Days mentioned that they had to go to Poza Rica the next day for a special zoom meeting with Elder Montoya, the area president of Mexico! So on friday the entire mission tuned in for this very special and kinda abrupt zoom call! We didn't really know why we were having the meeting but we were sure it was something important! After waiting for about 30 minutes they started the meeting off with a prayer, and then they gave us some very big news! Elder Montoya began to tell us that Elder Nash received a special assignment from the 12 Apostles to go and visit President Hermana Perkins, they have been in Utah for about a month because Hermana Perkins had to get back surgery! Elder Montoya explained that Elder Nash was sent to visit the Perkins so that he could Honorably relieve them of their callings as our mission leaders! When he said that I was really shocked!! I had no idea what was coming and it kinda shook me for a loop! He later explained that our new Mission president will be...Elder Day with his wife! President Day was set apart as our mission president that very day right before the meeting, and now he is our new leader! It was such big news!!! It came out of nowhere and I really wasn't sure what to think, But then President Day and Hermana Day began to speak. The spirit they had as they spoke was truly different, I could feel the power in the words spoken by our new mission president. He said he was ready to work and ready to guide us, but of course that he will dearly miss the Perkins, for all they do and have done! After theta we heard about 15 testimonies from the Assistants, Elder Montoya and his wife, and some missionaries on the call! And our president left us off with a "You've been here for two hours, let's go out and get to work"!! The change I saw in him in just a day's span was really incredible, the keys he holds now make him a very different man! But I'm excited to see where we go with our new President and how much more we can accomplish with him on the reigns!!

I am nuts for this book...

I've train-ed my whole life for this mission...

This time I really don't have time, so I will just leave you off with some quick important parts from the week! We've been working really hard with our less active member friends to help them come to church, and it's been great getting to know them all! The young boys that we started teaching last week went to church this Sunday! It was the primary program and there was a lot of stuff going on, and the boys felt a little overwhelmed, but they said they enjoyed " our Mass" so we can definitely work with that! Today was the last P-Day for a few missionaries that are going home so we celebrated it with handmade flour tortillas (That are a lot harder to make than I thought, but are so worth it!), Missionary Jeopardy (Let's go team Nephites!!), and a few games of soccer! It was a lot of fun and a great goodbye for these sisters!!

Flour tortillas!!!

Elder Galvez and a cute little kitten

Well my time is about up, remember that the meek shall inherit the earth! Sometimes it's easy to become prideful for the things we have accomplished in life, but remember that it all comes from our Heavenly Father, and in an instant he can take it all away. This week I've been trying to be more humble and meek and rely less on myself and more on God! He is the fount of all truth, but also the fount of all. He gave us the talents we have, we should obviously be thankful for the gifts we have, and use them to help the lives of those around us, but we must always remember that God has blessed us with such gifts to bless our family, friends, and neighbors! I Love you all and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and will have an even greater week coming up!!


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