P-Day uodate week 15, 05/30/2022


Well another week in the books. It's crazy to think we're already halfway through this transfer because these past three weeks have really flown by! 

So for my entre time in Zacapoaxtla there has been a hermano in the branch who has been talking to us about "chimochiua." You might be wondering what that is, I know I was, until I eventually deciphered that "chimochiua" means eat (still not 100% sure though). So for the past nine weeks I have been getting bombarded with invitations of chimochiua and on Tuesday all my dreams were realized!! We had our comida appointment with this hermano and his wife in a pueblito called Ecimita! It's only about an hour away and their house is right off the main road. When we got there I was properly chimochiua-d!! They gave us green mole, spaghetti, corn, atole, and a mountain of mangoes!! It was amazing! That was the second most amount of food I've eaten all week!! His brother lives in Georgia so I gave him a call and we reminisced about the good old south! But the day doesn't end there. After gorging ourselves with them we booked it back home only to find that all our appointments fell through hahaha!! But we took advantage of our spare time and bought myself a Sombrero on our way home, maybe it's all that south I was thinking of!

Natalie's Baptism

You know how I said that Tuesday was the second most food we ate all week? Well the most food we ate all week was on Saturday, let me debrief. In the morning we planned our day around the thought that none of the members would be feeding us. So we made plans to eat with a non member family near Zaragoza. But as we were walking out of a lesson and headed to the taxi stop that goes to Zaragoza, we received a call. Daisy was calling to ask what time were were gonna stop by for comida, being just a little shocked, we told her the situation and agreed to meet for dinner that night! Also I'm not sure if I've explained the meal time/situation here in The United States of Mexico, but it's a little different. Breakfast is normal time, usually a fairly heavy meal, then there is an optional lunch time around 11-12 which is light, then comes the biggest meal of the day, they just call it comida. And comida is from 2-4, like I said the biggest and heaviest meal usually 2-3 courses, which is followed by a late dinner at around 8, which is usually something light. Anyway with that knowledge this story will be easier to swallow (pun intended)! We headed to Zaragoza for a service project with a recent convert, we helped him clear out his workshop, and got to wear cool jackets to protect our white shirts! But after, he invited us over for "a little taco" which roughly translates to "there is a whole chicken waiting at home". But being the people we are, and serving in the country we are, we humbly agreed. There was a whole chicken waiting at home. After a big lunch with him, we headed to Morelos (the town near Zaragoza) to eat comida. Once again we can't be rude and only eat one plate, so we made sure to eat enough that we showed our appreciation. Then we headed back to Zacapoaxtla. We had a very eye opening lesson (which I will touch on later) then headed over to Daisy's house. Turns out that she prepared a comida sized meal for us, two courses and everything. But I need not tell y'all that it is our duty to eat an ample amount. No matter how hard it may be. That is the life of a missionary in Mexico!! So we ate, said a silent prayer, then ate some more. When it was all said and done Elder Nelson and I had eaten three comidas, which is two more than a normal day, and in the process probably gained about 5 kilos. The walk home wasn't great, but we made it. Tired, stuffed to the absolute brim and ready for bed. The American dream is alive and well! So the moral of the story is this, no matter what, you can always have another plate!


Speaking of food, I should tell y'all about our trip to Huitzilan this week! If you recall, Huitzilan is basically the promised land, I don't really know why I like it so much but it just feels good to be there! Anyway, we went there on Friday after having exchanges. Elder Nielson and I literally met back up on the combi to Huitzilan 15 seconds before it pulled out to leave! When we got there we taught a few lessons, then were ushered into the kitchen for a very special meal of the, secret recipe variety! Of course I was excited, Huitzilan hasn't let me down yet, and last time they made us chilaquiles which were super good! So we sat down and they brought out our bates with these two little baggies on them, then I knew this was going to be something interesting! After opening up our little pouches we found barabacoa, but not just any barbacoa, it's a special family recipe called "barbacoa blanca." They said that no one else in the entire city knows this recipe except for Hermana Vicky and her mom! All I can say about this meal, is wow. It's hard to describe how good it was, it was easily the best thing I've eaten my entire time in this country. It was barbacoa but it wasn't like any other barbacoa I've eaten before, it was almost a holy experience hahaha! After eating my two pouches I wanted to ask for more, but the moments in this country where you eat just the right amount of good food is slim. So I left it at happily full, and we took our journey out of the land of Huitzilan, toward the land of our inheritance, Zacapoaxtla! Overall another great day in Huitzilan, and the people we've begun teaching there are super good, and I'm sure y'all will be hearing about them shortly!!

Wearing Cool Jackets

Like I mentioned earlier, this week we had exchanges with the other companionship in our district. Nielson went to Tlatlauqui with an Elder Trickey, and I stayed here with an Elder Huescau! So this isn't isn't first time we've done exchanges, but the difference is that this time, I was in charge! Usually the District Leader stays in his area to train another elder, and the District Leader's companion goes to another area. But this time we switched it up, and that means that I had to be the senior companion for a day!! Overall it was super stressful haha, but also pretty fun, usually in a companionship it's about equal on decisions, but since Elder Huescau was just on exchanges it fell on me to decide most things. The day started off pretty well, the morning was spent picking up Huescau and traveling back, but then we actually started to go do stuff!! We only really taught two lessons that day, since a few people canceled on us, but it was still a good chance for me to experience the life of the senior missionary companion (I'm not sure if that's what it's called in English, I can't remember bahahah). And I think it was good practice, because chances are pretty high that I won't be junior companion for the entirety of my time here. So might as well just jump in and learn to swim!!

One thing I forgot to mention, Elder Nielson has been sick for most of this week! It hasn't been too bad, since he only had to stay in bed one day, but he still has been going through the ringer! So please send some prayers yo my sickly mission father! The good thing is that he only has three weeks left until he goes home, and also, I haven't been sick this week hahaha! Count your blessings!

Neighbors got a new puppy and I love him!

An orange Huitzilan cat. 

This week we also had the baptism of one of our friends that lives in Morelos!!! Her name is Natalie and she is amazing! We've been teaching her whole family since I arrived here, and she is the first one to take the step of faith into the waters of baptism! We had her baptism yesterday on Sunday, we got up real early, got dressed then headed out to Apulco for her baptism! We decided to go to a different area this time, we usually go more down the river to a place where we don't need to pay to enter, but this time we decided we would go to the waterfall and have her baptism there!! It was amazing! It was a pretty cold morning, so everyone was bundled up, but after bearing my testimony on baptism and Nielson bearing his on the holy ghost we made our way into the water. The water was definitely cold haha, but ni modo! We had to get situated pretty well since the rocks were slippery but we were able to get into position and have the baptism. What a wonderful thing! After we got out and got changed she was confirmed a member in church, it's really incredible to see how much baptism effects someone! I never really understood the importance of helping people get baptized until my mission, it really is hard to fathom the change a person goes through as they prepare for and receive their baptism. I hope I can continue to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord to help gather his chosen to the flock of the good shepherd!!!

Making a flan

Barbacoa Blanca!

Well on to a more serious note, this week has been a challenge for a lot of people we're teaching. Some of our really strong friends have been losing sight of their purpose and have been facing troubles because of it. Archie in particular has been a little less active when it comes to the things he should be doing and has been facing some of the trials that come with that. So this week we tried to meet with him almost every day to help him remember the feelings he had when we first met with him. He told us himself that his life had changed from that day on! Now it was time to try and jumpstart his desire! So on Saturday we stopped by and had a long chat with him where we emphasized the importance and veracity of the priesthood of God on the earth! It was a powerful lesson. We didn't end up teaching a traditional lesson, but rather spent the better part of our time answering his questions and testifying of the priesthood, the spirit that was there in the lesson was strong! The only hurdle though, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Archie has been feeling a lot of fear due to the practices of some of his family members and we told him that if he would pray everyday his fears would go away and these things would have no power over him. But he didn't want to drink the water. In this moment I remember feeling sad that we couldn't help him, but on the flip side so very happy that I have a testimony of the power of the priesthood! I know that in this life we can face overwhelming forces of evil trying to take over our lives, but one thing I know of even more assuredly. God is more powerful than the adversary, in every holy text, in every story, in every time on this earth we have seen again and again the power of God! The same God that has created worlds without number, and who has all power over heaven and earth, guides those that follow him. I know that Archie feels fear and sadness now for a season, but the promise of the lord still stands: "the Lord is able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him" (1 Nephi 7:12). So that is my invitation to you all this week, do not give the adversary power over you, exercise faith in him that has all power and you will receive the comfort and peace that comes with knowing you're on the winning side! Don't give up and don't give in!!

I Love you all very much, I'm sorry for this horribly long entry and I also apologize for the no doubt dozens of grammatical errors In my letters! The more I focus on  speaking Spanish, the less my brain works on speaking English haha!! Have a wonderful week everyone!!

-Elder Garnica


  1. Another wonderful blog. We are so proud of you. Does the mission give you guidance on what you should and should not eat? How do you handle the water situation? Do you buy bottles of water that are prepared for drinking? I loved my mission and found that by just working hard and teaching the Gospel we got through just fine.


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