
Showing posts from March, 2024

P-Day update week 107 y 108, 03/11/2024

Hola a todos! Espero que hayan disfrutado mucho su semana y que hayan disfrutado mis correos!! Well well well, I don't know when this happened but we got to my last email. These past few weeks have been a little bit of the same but there are some cool experiences I wanted to share with y'all!! Amairany's baptism! First we finally finished all the house inspections in the mission! After three weeks and many many hours of traveling we visited the 68 different houses in the mission and made sure that everyone was living in good conditions and properly cleaning their home! We saw some really cool quite clean houses, and some very not cool very dirty houses, it was definitely an experience!! One of the coolest things is that with this trip I officially got to see every single area of the mission, from Teocelo in the south then to Cerro Azul 9 hours all the way to the north. I'm so grateful to have been assigned to the Mexico Xalapa Mission, it is the greatest mission on the ...