P-Day update week 104, 105 y 106, 02/26/2024
-Miracles (Doña pili, Francisca, y Elio fam) Muy buenas tardes a todos ustedes! Espero que hayan tenido unas semanas excelentes!! I know I haven't written an email in a couple weeks, but really there wasn't too much to talk about the last two weeks! We've been super busy running around doing a lot of administrative stuff, but this last week we had some really cool experiences!!! MTZ/TEZ Zone Conference! To start off, there us one thing I should mention that happened a few weeks ago, like you all know every month we have a MLC. We usually do one month in person here in Xalapa and one month on Zoom, this month it was on Zoom! We had been thinking a lot about what we wanted to do in the meeting, and we came up with a few different ideas! We talked a lot about how revelation works, specifically what our stewardship is. This came up due to our recent focus on Standards of Excellence, a certain number of new friends, lessons with members, church attendances, etc. That we should a...