
Showing posts from October, 2022

P-Day update week 35, 10/17/2022

  ¡Hola amigos y familia! This week has been great! We've had a lot of work to do and we've just been putting our shoulders to the wheel! Of course not everything has been perfect, but it's been a fulfilling week with a good amount of progress made! I guess this is where they filmed a scene from some movie called "Romancing the Stone" from the 80s, but I think it just looks cool! Alright so first things first, this week we have been able to find some new people to teach. Now that we're ending the transfer soon we have to get the area ready for this coming couple of weeks! It has been really great thanks to the ward. The majority of the people we found this week are people that have been referred to us by the ward members, and that is exactly what we've been hoping for! You see when a person is referred to the missionaries by a member they have a much higher chance of staying a part of Christ's church, because they now have a built-in friend to sit with...

P-Day update week 34, 10/10/2022

  Hola Hola!! Another great week filled with joy and peace here in the promised land!! The work has been good, nothing too crazy but continuing to work hard, and enjoying the process!!! Baptism of Angy!! So first things first, each Monday (P-day) one companionship is in charge of organizing the activity, this past week it was on us and the sisters in our district! We decided to play pool in the morning with the zone and then go eat at a nearby restaurant! So we went and played pool for quite a while, which was really fun! We found a nice family friendly spot and were able to play without any troubles, and it seems I've gotten a lot worse than what I thought! And after that, the hermanas brought us to a Chinese buffet! As soon as I saw the food I had a feeling in my stomach that this probably wasn't going to sit well with me, but as the foolish child I am, I ignored that and went to town. The food was really good, and pretty cheap, after eating I felt very satisfied! ...

P-Day update week 33, 10/03/2022

  Holis!!! I'll be honest, this was a really weird week, we had our zone conference, general conference, and divisions. So I was out of work for the majority of the week, But I'll make sure to fill y'all in on the good stuff!! Enjoying ourselves in laughter! Zona Xalapa So like I said, this week has been a little weird and we didn't have a whole lot of time to do real missionary things. We were mainly stuck in the church listening to talks! But it was really spiritually refreshing. I had the chance to just feast on the words of Christ this week! About a week ago our secretary of materials ordered me a new hardcover copy of The Book of Mormon, and so I decided to just read it and try and truly feast on the words that are written in that book. I've been trying to use every second of free time as study time to learn more! This week I've seen some incredible spiritual highs. I have felt encircled in the love of God, truly! And with that I tried to take my ...